Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Tree Planting Ceremony

My super green thumbed Dad wanted to come over for a tree planting ceremony. I guess in Japan they do this quite often. It just includes you actually digging part of the soil and adding soil once the tree is in the ground. I had mentioned to my Dad that I wanted to plant some food in my backyard, now that I have a pretty large one. And "poof" he appeared with some trees! I need to start being careful about what I say around him...."Ipad...."poof" an Ipad appears. JK! I fed him lunch and gave him a home depot giftcard (although he may mostly likely spend that on my house anyways). So he came over with a nice Haas Avocado tree and a Meyer Lemon tree to put in the backyard. I think it will be at least a year or two before any fruit actually grows. It's ok, I'm dad joked and said he hoped I would still be here once the tree actually starting bearing fruit. And I said, if I ever leave, I'm digging that sucker out and taking it with me! Thank you to my dad for all your generosity, thoughtfulness, and hard work...all traits that I aspire to have to be just like you.

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