Tuesday, December 15, 2009

My First Home!!!

So I finally have my very first home. I have to definitely thank a bunch of people who I could not have done this without.
1. My parents and sisters: Their unbelievable generosity made it possible for me to buy in such a wonderful neighborhood. They have also supported me and basically made my dream come true. Even after all these years of supporting me through college, grad school, buying me a car, they basically put my entire down payment. I love you guys....a million thanks!
2. My lender: Dean is not only my lender but my dear dear friend from Whitney. He made everything go so smoothly along with his team at BofA.
3. My realtor: Carol Gilles who I would recommend to anyone looking for a home in Torrance. Also, I would like to thank Lauren Sullivan who was my realtor in West LA. Although I didn't get a house with Lauren, I would definitely recommend her to anyone buying in the Westside.
4. Kirkland Costco: For driving around the Southbay and pointing out his favorite areas and for the countless hours spent at Sears and other appliance stores. Also, major props for putting up with me being stressed out and always knowing how to calm me down.
5. Other folks: Ann for all those tips about Torrance and home buying while at work. Doris, for setting up my move for super dirt cheap. Anyone who had to listen to me talk about buying a house. And everyone for supporting me in the next big step in my life.

Hopefully, I can hurry up and get settled in so I can have a housewarming sometime next year!