Thursday, May 27, 2010

What I've been Doing and Eating Lately...

I have been a little m.i.a. from the blogging world...partially because I have been very busy at work, partially because I have been trying to be good about not eating out. But enough of the excuses. Lots of wonderful things have been occurring in my life. There are always births, preganancies, engagements, and weddings it would seem.

My favorite SW Joni and my old friend Dean finally had their little bundle of joy...John Higuchi Kishiyama. I was so thrilled and touched that I was on the list to be invited to the hospital. They texted me around noon saying they were on their way to the hospital. I thought to myself, if I go after work, I'll make it. As I was driving over there....John popped out! I was driving and getting all excited and nervous. I had to quickly get some m&ms to calm my nerves down! I got to the room and Joni was there already feeding the little guy. She looked so beautiful and calm. Poor chica is not used to medication, so her poor body was still numb. She looked great and baby John is adorable. He looks just like Evan. And anyone who knows Evan, knows that he is one handsome, cute little guy. I got to hold John who was about 2 hours old. He looked so peacefully, opening his eyes to look at me a few times. It I wasn't so dang hyped on m&ms and adrenaline, I would have cried. I'm so glad I got to be there. Hey Kishiyamas....if you are reading this....congratulations. I love you guys...I can't wait to be Auntie Michelle to Evan and John.

So first came the baby onto the food...mmm, the food. Kirk and I starting dating in October 2008. Our first fancy dinner was to this restaurant called Grace, owned by Chef Neal Fraser. I surprised him for Christmas by picking him up and taking him there...but the dummy snuck his card to the waiter and paid. So really he took me there. Ever since, he's been raving about that food there. He always compares our meals to that meal we had there. I would like to think that I introduced him to the fancy world of dining and eating multi-course meals. Recently, he found out that they are closing the restaurant for the rest of the year and moving to a new location downtown. So before the closing on June 19...he wanted to eat there one more time. We each got our own appetizers, me a roasted warm beet salad and him, fried squash blossoms. Mine was really good, but something I could make at home. Kirk's was so good...something not easy to make. They stuffed the squash blossoms with ricotta, battered, fried it, and placed it on top of a sort of meat ragu. It was delicious. For our entrees, I enjoyed a huge braised pork shank and Kirk had the boar tenderloin with spatzle. My pork shank meat just fell off the bone and was dripping with yummy pork fat. I really liked Kirk's boar and especially loved the spatzle. Spatzle is a German sort of pasta dish. The dough is pushed through holes to make little pellets, then boiled in water. At Grace, I think they also pan fried it so it was nice and buttery. Anyone know where to get good spatzle? For our dessert we had to share the trio of doughnuts. One cinnamon beignet, brown butter doughnut, and salted caramel doughnut were served with cardamom ice cream and brown butter ice cream. Those doughnut are fresh, hot, and to die for. I will miss you Grace...till we meet again next year.

Lastly, another yummy treat for my stomach. Kirk decided to make a mousse cake. He baked some dark chocolate cake and layered it with dark chocolate mouse and milk chocolate mousse. Wow! I am not the biggest fan of chocolate, but I loved it. Kirk and I are having a bake-off next month. I wonder if he will make this spatula is shaking...hee,hee...bring it special K!