Sunday, April 24, 2011

Joel Robuchon Las Vegas

Kirk and I were lucky to experience a wonderful 16 course degustation menu at Joel Robuchon's in Las Vegas at the MGM Grand. It was 16 course of pure heaven and highly worthy of the 3 Michelin star rating that he received for his restaurant. There were many highlights of the evening including the bread cart and butter log, the coffee flavored mashed potatoes with sea urchin, and just being able to spend time with Kirk doing the thing we love...eating good food!
That yellow block is butter imported from England
This is the carved butter with fleur de sel and extra virgin olive oil from Spain
The most amazing bread selection I've ever seen at a restaurant

Here are the courses:

Le Citron:
Lemon and basil infusion with anise fennel foam
La Cerise:
Cherry gazpacho with sheep ricotta and pistachios

Le Caviar (3 ways):
Asparagus with lemon balm, gelee with smooth cauliflower cream, and maki with daikon and cous cous

La Noix de Saint Jacques:
Seared scallop with heart of palm and coriander scented coconut milk

Les Petits Pois:
Light green pea veloute with peppermint on sweet onion cloud

Les Crustaces:
Lobster in Sake broth
Truffled langoustine ravioli
Sea urchin in mashed potatoes with a hint of blue mountain coffee

Le Black Cod:
Miso marinated black cod in daikon bouillon with yuzu

Le Chou:
Crispy fried cabbage with spring vegetables

La Volaille:
Farm chicken with foie gras and fricassee of young leeks
Les Pousses de Soja:
Risotto of soybean sprouts

Vanilla panna cotta with Tahitian vanilla and pineapple
La Framboise:
Fresh raspberries with ginger infused sorbet

Escortes de mignardises:

They really treat you well at Robuchons!

The take home gift: a pound cake of raspberries and pistachios

Two very happy and full dinner guests!


  1. Wow!! Looks like a great menu! It just made me really hungry right now. Glad you guys had a great time =) You two look so cute together =)

  2. Wow, did you guys get your own room to dine in?? Too cool!! Glad you had fun :) xoxo. sw

  3. Wow thank you for your useful review.
